Matt 5:43-44
43 Ye have heard that it hath been
said, Thou shalt love thy neighbour, and hate thine enemy.
44 But I say unto you, Love your
enemies, bless them that curse you, do good to them that hate you,
and pray for them which despitefully use you, and persecute you KJV
Do you want to be more like Jesus? It
is easy to love those that love you and those that are good, to you.
But what about those that you clash with, and those that you don’t
like in the natural? What about those that are your enemies? What
should we do with our enemies? Fight with them, yell, and
scream—better yet, give them the silent treatment. If you see them
walking down the street, ignore them. If they speak, don’t speak
back. Teach your children “these people are like leprosy, they are
persecuting me, leave them alone.” Jesus died for everyone but
these people are my enemies. They hate me so I am going to hate
them. Hate your enemies.
A spirit of deception has the invaded
the church. Many Christians believe that it is ok to hate. They
hate those that are causing wickedness to flourish in our nation.
They even spue out curses towards them. Truly we must hate the sin
but love the sinner.
I am reminded of Saul of Tarsus. He
was on the wrong team. He caused great havoc for the Christian. He
bound them and dragged them off to jail just for believing in Jesus.
He had murder in his heart towards the Christians. How do you love
someone like that? But look what God did in an instant. Saul had a
“Damascus Road experience.” and was radically transformed and
switched teams. He became one of the greatest Apostles and carried
the Gospel to the nations with great power and authority. Who would
have ever believed that someone so full of hate could be changed in a
moment? God’s love is the strongest force in the universe. Child
of God, walk in love!